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Waimea Sunset
A wonderful day with mainland friends spent watching the large sets roll in (and the lifeguards warning/shaming some that clearly had no business in the water that day!). Just before sunset the most magical clouds appeared and this surfer decided to catch a few waves before the end of the day (and add just what I needed for this photo!)

Goodnight 2015
Continuing my tradition of camping out on New Year's Eve, this image shot with 12 of us packed tightly on a small flat spot high above downtown Honolulu. I love NYE camping--reflecting on the past year and enjoying its final sunset. Waking up New Year's Day outside also makes for a great start to the coming year.

Ko'olau Bliss
Looking down the Ko'olau spine from near the top of Pu'u Keahi a Kahoe. Both Lanihuli and Konahuanui stand guard over the Wilson and Pali tunnels, and we make plans to summit both in the future (and pray for clear views when on top).

Doubly Perfect
Had I blinked I may have missed this one! Coming down from the Ko'olau spine on a popular ridge trail, I emerged from the dense jungle as the rain began to fall when this perfect rainbow appeared. I had just enough time to grab this single shot before I the sky really opened up, soaking me to the bone for the rest of the hike back to the car.

Pipiwai Banyan
If you have ever done the Pipiwai trail on Maui, you no doubt recognize this gorgeous landmark. Hardest part for me was picking just one favorite of this tree from my several excursions here.

Kulaniapia Falls
Shot from just outside my bedroom at The Inn at Kulaniapia Falls--perhaps the best place to stay in Hilo, Hawaii. An unbelievable location--if you get the chance, don't hesitate to stay here. Added bonus when I got home--seeing that gorgeous little hint of a rainbow at the bottom of the falls!