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Honu Heaven
I wasn't even "hunting" for that perfect shot, but instead out with Erin for a relaxing snorkel when this guy decided to join us!

Tarangire Lion Cub
Shot in Tarangire National Park while we enjoyed several lion cubs at play. This one had found his way into the tree and despite the cool, confident look here he was totally perplexed on how to get down!

What do you want???
I can still feel the excitement when we saw two cheetahs casually crossing in front of us, then take up relaxing positions just off the road. They seemed oblivious to us at first, but then one looked right at me with this pose which did NOT appear friendly! My pet cat gives me the exact same look at times....

Taste Test
I could watch monkeys all day--the younger the better. This one was clearly testing what was edible (and what was not!).

Lucky Shot
Shortly after watching the Tarangire lion cubs we came across "Daddy" who appeared to have just finished with one of his harem. All was good until I extended my long lens outside of the vehicle and he instantly charged the truck! I spun around, screamed (some same like a teenage girl!), and pulled the camera back into the car. Fortunately I pressed the shutter the entire time, and captured the shot. Friends in another truck captured the whole thing on video (so I can't deny the scream!).

In Search of Peace and Quiet
Kaena Point is a perfect rest spot for these endangered Hawaiian monk seals, but they hardly get the rest they need these days. It has turned in to a very popular day hike, for obvious reasons. This monk seal decided the best way to lessen the noise of excited visitors was to sleep with his head in a shallow pool of water (his body was comfortably dry on the rocky shore). Every few minutes he would come up for air and check the surroundings, when he struck this perfect pose.

Lioness with Cubs
Leaving Tarangire Park we spotted this lioness perched on a rock surveying the landscape. Only after stopping the truck did we see her three cubs pop up and stare curiously back at us (mom paid us no attention whatsoever!).

Kea Color
I encountered this kea, the world's only alpine parrot, while tramping through the New Zealand Landscape. Intensely curious and smart, they can wreak havoc in mountain towns. My host described them as "very naughty" in towns, but in the mountains they are a true joy to watch.